Wind energy plants are of utmost interest for Zoz as part of the still top relevant plans for a power plant that can provide base load electricity emission-free and resource neutrally in the greater area of Wenden and later for a similar project in Siegerland in cooperation with an already existing wind park in line within the context of the 1st Bavarian model town Neustadt/Saale. We still assume a 4/5 wind power and 1/5 solar power generation with corresponding hydrogen storage and ultimate H2-fuel usage.
Up to now all efforts with detailed calculations foundered on the necessary investment volume of for example about 50 million Euros in the first-mentioned case. But the time will come!
Anyway, in 2012 we took the opportunity to acquire ca. 12ha of area that seems suitable for operating wind plants. Since the installation of corresponding wind energy plants wasn’t wanted or isn’t wanted (yet) by the neighbors living further away, these plans are still on hold until this changes. And that is okay and not wanted otherwise. Even here the time might come.
The Location: (Niederholzklau, 57258 Freudenberg)